You just bought a new Android phone from the shop and if it is a premium phone like the Samsung Galaxy S9 or the Huawei P20, you should be very excited because you have read and seen a lot about it.
Android phones are not very complicated to set up. Manufacturers put in their best to ensure that once you have the phone and can read, you will go through no hassle at all. But what if you make a wrong move? There are some little details you need to pay attention to yet, due to excitement, you may overlook these. That is our reason for putting this together– to ensure that you do the right thing.
What to do when you buy a new phone
Of course, you don’t have to follow the manufacturer setup process and can do things in your own order. In the end, you’ll have everything you want working the way you want. But here are a few things you can do to begin the setup.
Look into the box and take notice of everything
Open the box and remove your phone. Ensure that you shake out all the plastic and cardboard until it’s empty!
Not really. But do check inside to make sure you notice things like cables, charging blocks and maybe even earbuds. Usually the bundled stuff is fine for using but nothing worth getting excited over, but sometimes you get goodies like a Quick Charge charger or really nice-sounding earbuds.
Make sure you know what you just bought!
Check your phone out
Hey, you just bought a new phone. Take some time to admire it and say “hello buddy, welcome to my world!”. You are the owner of this device now.
But in doing this, take the opportunity to check if all the external parts are intact and if there are no cracks or scratches.
Ensure that the device has a good charge
If you are impatient about a new device you have acquired like I am, allowing it to charge for a few hours before usage is very difficult. But do you want your phone’s battery to last? If your answer is in the affirmative, ensure that your battery is fully charged. I know your hands may feel itchy but doing this will help you.
This is a good time to check the supplied cables or power adapters, too. Make sure everything works and you’ve got the juice you need to get things set up.
Connect WiFi if you can to set the tone for downloading
There’s a good chance you’ll be doing quite a bit of downloading to get your new phone set up and ready to roll. You will connect to your gmail and download basic apps like WhatsApp among others. Doing that over Wifi will save you a lot of data charges. But if “money no be problem give you”, you can go ahead and use your data.
Of course, you should not forget to insert your sim card.
Check for an OS update
We see devices get a day-one update pretty regularly. There’s a good chance a multi-hundred Megabyte (or even larger) update file is ready and waiting. Grab it now — before you sign in and update apps and install new ones. It will go a little faster that way.
Dive into the settings
You own the device hence, you will want its look and feel to suite your desire. So just get in there and change whatever you feel like changing to ensure that you are in total control of the device.
You’ll want to tweak things like screen brightness, sound settings and screen timeout to make them more to your liking. You’ll find all that and more in the settings, so take a few minutes and go through them all.
As you do that, think about your security settings like the screen lock ET AL.
So when you buy a new phone, just do some of these things and thank me later.
Thank's for reading my article
Things to do when you buy a new Android phoneCreated at 2018-07-04
new phones
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