Facebook tracks your internet habits to target you with specific adverts. Here’s what you can do about it…

Ever scrolled through your Facebook feed and wondered why there’s an advert for the dress you were looking at last week or a hotel near a wedding you’re attending? You’re not alone. These days, online companies like Facebook use your data to personalise the adverts you see when you’re using their services. The social network can use everything from your relationship status to the pages you like and links you click on to provide you with targeted advertising.
This all makes sense. We expect the companies we interact with to use the data we give them, but social networks are going one step further to personalise the adverts you see. For instance, online stores you’ve purchased from check with Facebook if the email address or phone number you’ve used has a profile on the site. Facebook will confirm if it’s a match (although they don’t pass on your profile to the shop) and then allows adverts from these retailers to be shown to you.
The company can also track what you look at online away from Facebook. When you’re logged on to the social network, it can see almost every website you visit, and if you’re not logged on, it’s still alerted every time you visit a website that has a Like or Share button built into the site.
When you put all this together it means Facebook has a very comprehensive overview of who you are, including everything from whether you’re divorced to how much you spent on your last pair of shoes. But social networks like Facebook are going even further to personalise the adverts we see.
What can you do?
You may not be bothered by this, and if that’s the case you can just use the site as you normally would. But if you’re not comfortable with Facebook tracking you in this way, then the Ad Preferences section (found in the Settings menu) should be your first stop on Facebook.
Here, the first thing you will see, is a list of interests Facebook thinks you’re interested in, based on the Facebook pages you interact with and the links you click. If you think any of these are irrelevant to you, tap See all your interests and then tap one and select the sad face from the bottom of the screen. This means you won’t see adverts based on this subject again.
Next tap the ‘Advertisers you’ve interacted with’ section. At the top you will see anyone who’s advert you’ve clicked on, on Facebook. Don’t want to see a particular advertiser again? Press the menu button (three vertical dots to the right of the advertiser logo) and press Hide ads from followed by the name of the advertiser.
Below this is a section marked Advertisers who uploaded a contact list with your information. These are retailers you’ve purchased from or subscribed to their mailing lists and they have cross-referenced their list with the email and phone numbers of Facebook profiles. Tap see all to see a list. If you don’t want to see adverts from anyone on the list, again use the three vertical dots to the right of the company and select Hide ads.
At the bottom of the advertisers’ page you can also see any advertisers you’ve hidden across either of the two sections. So you can always reverse your decision at a later date. Facebook also uses some personal information from your profile such as relationship status or employer to target you with adverts. You can choose to opt out of this in the section marked Your Information. It’s worth noting that if you do opt out of these type of ads, it won’t remove this info from your profile.
Finally, in the section marked Advert Settings, Facebook says you can switch off adverts that have been selected based on both the things you do on and off Facebook. However, it’s worth noting that you won’t reduce the number of adverts you see, they will just be less relevant than before.
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How to stop Facebook tracking a user's every move Created at 2018-07-04
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